eLearning Innovations and Partnerships in
Science and Engineering (eLIPSE)

theJourneymaker (tJM) is a "whole-of-curricula" design environment that permits users to systematically build and assess curricula; and demonstrate how they map against required outcome standards.  The tool visualises progressive development of knowledge, skills/application and attitudes in the curriculum and provides rich information to inform decision making and monitor student progress.



Project team/Contacts
Title First Name Last Name Affiliation Role in the project Contact

Emeritus Professor

Ian  Cameron School of Chemical Engineering Lead CI


A/Professor Greg Birkett School of Chemical Engineering Lead CI g.birkett@uq.edu.au
​+61 7 3365 3813
      eLIPSE Software development team elipse@eait.uq.edu.au
+61 7 334 68018
Project Status

The tool is currently in use across the Faculties of EAIT and Science.


The following resources are available for users of tJM:

The Faculty of Science encourages its schools to utilise tJM in their Program Architecture 2 curriculum revision process.  A guide for staff, outlining the uses, benefits and capabilities of tJM in this process, is available here.

Instructional videos produced by the Faculty of Science can be found on YouTube.

Technologies Used

JavaScript, Laravel 5.1.1 (PHP), Piwik for analytics.


The first version of theJourneyMaker was funded by a Faculty of EAIT Teaching and Learning Grant with a funding contribution from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).  The project was subsequently awarded a UQ Technology-Enhanced Learning Grant (TEL Grant), as a Signature project, in 2014.  Further development was undertaken in 2019 under a Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning Grant.


Cameron, I.T. and Birkett, G. (2012), A curriculum design, modelling and visualization environment, Proceedings of the 2012 Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE) Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, December.